AATSP.ZIP 637,239 05-26-95 Accurate accounting time sheet plus.Creates time sheets/fast. Stores dataautomatically/updating management files.
ACME16.ZIP 69,929 05-27-95 Small business system v1.6. IncludesAppointment module, Statement module,Client module w/history, inventory module.
APMAD535.ZIP 106,063 04-09-95 APT Mailing Assistant for DOS <ASP> Printenvelopes and labels with POSTNET barcodes. Supports multiple address files,import/export, bulk mailing and printing ofbulk mail permit.
APMAO115.ZIP 128,168 04-11-95 APT Mailing Assistant for OS/2 <ASP>
ATNDTRK2.ZIP 236,225 04-21-95 Attendance Track v2.0. Complete employeeattendance tracking system that maintainsemployee attendance information oneverything from sick leave to comp time.Full online documentation.
BANKPL21.ZIP 347,527 06-04-95 Bank Plan r2.1. Helps small & mid-sizedbusinesses to do monthly cashflowforecasts, plan cash requirements andmanage their cash resources for 12 monthsahead. Produces numerous reports and graphs.
BBK40W.ZIP 502,985 05-08-95 Basic Bookkeeping v4.0w for Windows. Forsmall businesses and individuals. Noaccounting experience is needed. Tracksincome and expenses using single entrybookkeeping as recommended by the IRS.
BCLINK16.ZIP 317,863 05-15-95 Business Clock Link v1.6 <ASP> NetworkablePC Time Clock and In/OUT Board for managerswith real-time job and task reporting,E-mail and Ticker Tape reports.
BIGIDEA.ZIP 1,122,388 04-06-95 Royal Bank's Big Idea for Small Business.Interactive software program designed tohelp you create a winning business plan andit includes all the forms you need to applyfor financing.
BILLMAN2.ZIP1,019,031 04-17-95 Billing Manager v2.00. Time, billing andaccounts receivable program for serviceprofessionals: Architects, Attorneys,Business consultants, CPA's, Engineers,Financial planners, Land surveyors, Taxpreparers, etc.
BOOKIT_A.ZIP 236,874 05-05-95 Book-It v1.00 <ASP> Club membership andactivity booking system for clubs, hobbygroups, holiday and activity organisationsetc. Includes enquiry follow up, membershipadministration, activity and supplierdetails. 1/2.
BPLN43.ZIP 189,669 04-11-95 B/Plan Developer v4.3. Expert Business PlanWorkbook. Write a PLAN like a PRO & SAVE.
CALLWIZ.ZIP 1,293,006 05-08-95 SalesPro Call Wizard for Windows. Businesslead and contact manager. Also offers helpto get you going!
CHRONLOG.ZIP 145,195 05-08-95 ChronLOG v1.4b for Windows. Group/resourcescheduling package that's ideal forscheduling employees, conference rooms,equipment checkout/reservations, or anyother shared items.
DLDB_10.ZIP 938,494 05-13-95 Downline Database v1.0 for Windows. Writtenspecifically for the Multi-Level Marketingbusiness. Tracks your leads and clients,prints mail labels, allows you to attachmemos up to 30k in length to each record.
DVEND223.ZIP 202,283 05-04-95 The Disk Vendor v2.23GB. Sales catalogsystem. For businesses who need aninteractive on-line disk based catalog fortheir customers.
EXPENSE.ZIP 126,085 05-08-95 Travel Expense v1.3 for Windows. Tracksexpenses while abroad. Handles currencyconversions.
FFBCRD.ZIP 355,946 04-14-95 Financial Freedom Business Cards v1.10.Create business and rolodex cards and printthem on your printer. Features a drag anddrop interface to place lines, text,pictures and rectangles on your layouts.
FFBMGR30.ZIP 464,492 04-03-95 Financial Freedom Billing Manager v3.00 forWindows <ASP> Includes multiple companies,three invoice formats, unlimited customers,over 10 customizable reports and much more!
FTTLV532.ZIP 924,599 06-12-95 FTTL v5.30 <ASP> Flexitime and Time LoggingSystem. Seamless integration betweenrecording employee attendance and what theyare doing with that time. Organisations canthen monitor attendance, holidays, personaland team
GPP214.ZIP 477,456 05-16-95 GIST Plus+ v2.14. General invoice salestracker for firms needing descriptiveinvoices which include more than justnumbers.
HOMEBIZZ.ZIP 259,212 06-02-95 The Complete Home Business Guide. Tired ofthe dead-end 9 to 5 world? There is a wayout: a home based business.
HWORK25.ZIP 753,304 06-19-95 HomeWork v2.5 for Windows. Full featuredHome Office system with Employee Dbase,Built-in Memo, Time Management and TimeCard system! Full Appointment PIM and Alarmfunctions.
INV31AD.ZIP 500,406 04-20-95 The Invoice Store v3.1. An Invoicing, POS &Customer Tracking system for the smallbusiness. Very simple to learn & use, andrequires no accounting background.
ISM46A.ZIP 446,277 05-21-95 Independent Service Manager v4.6. CompleteAuto Repair Shop program for use by RepairShops, Body Shops, Machine Shops.
JOBLOG20.ZIP 180,728 06-02-95 JobLOG v2.0 <ASP> Logs the time you spendon computer projects. Runs from the DOSprompt or can operate without user input byincluding it in batch files.
MAINTER.ZIP 114,863 05-02-95 Maint v1.02. Helps companies manage theirequipment servicing and repairs. Tracksdates, services, specs and spare parts.
MEDLIN95.ZIP 298,812 04-25-95 Medlin Accounting 1995 <ASP> Five fast,easy to use accounting programs for thesmall business.
MLF11.ZIP 262,465 05-20-95 Mailing List Formmater v1.1. Transforms acomma delimited mail list created by DDAPhoneDisc. Sort by name, city & state orzipcode.
MMFT25.ZIP 766,813 05-01-95 Micro Manifest-Automated Shipping Software.Completely automate the U.P.S. shippingprocess. Looks up all rates and incidentialcharges. Prints all labels, U.P.S. approvedshipping reports.
MONEYTR3.ZIP 617,850 04-25-95 Money Tree v3.0. Freeware digizine forentrepreneurs, small business.
MWPR15.ZIP 113,818 04-25-95 Medlin Windows Payroll Writing <ASP>Complete easy to use payroll writingprogram. Built-in State & Federal tables.Up to 4 user set deductions allow for tips,401k, medical deductions, more.
ONORD10.ZIP 68,731 04-11-95 OnOrder v1.00. Who What When & Where fororders. Track what you ordered and when.How much did it cost? From whom? When is itdue? Where did it go?
PAYCHK25.ZIP 138,198 04-01-95 PayCheck v2.5 for Windows. Employee payrollprogram. Calculates all income &deductions. Federal, Medicare, SocialSecurity, Overtime, Commission, Insuranceetc.
PCFD701.ZIP 184,721 04-09-95 PC-Food II v7.01. Calculates food cost andrequired selling prices based on a desiredgross profit % and/or $ amount. Editportion sizes and ingredient costs to seethe effect on costs and margins.
PCPR95.ZIP 71,259 04-25-95 PC-Payroll Writing v5.0 <ASP> Includes 1995tax tables. Prints W-2's. Track 941 data.Print checks. Up to 1200 employees. Tips,401k, OT, cafeteria plan, auto allowanceetc.
PFW100C.ZIP 1,159,713 04-22-95 Powerfleet v1.00c for Windows. Fleet andEquipment Management.
PMASP200.ZIP 601,774 05-15-95 Personnel Management and Scheduling v2.00for Windows. Employee scheduler provides awide variety of scheduling options thatallow you to adapt each schedule to thepersonal needs of individual employees andto management
PMEGRAND.ZIP1,123,979 04-05-95 Royal Bank's Big Idea (French) for SmallBusiness. Interactive software programdesigned to help you create a winningbusiness plan and it includes all the formsyou need to apply for financing.
PMEZIP1.ZIP 296,039 05-10-95 PME Equipment Maintenance. Fast Search: byType of Equipment, ID#, Location, Supplier,or Frequency of Maintenance. Reports Whatneeds to be done!
POST.ZIP 253,745 04-17-95 Postal window enhancer. USA postal codeslook-up.
PPURCH12.ZIP 412,460 05-27-95 Pro Purchase v1.2. Complete PurchaseOrdering system. Maintains a database ofyour vendors, products, product categories,shipping addresses, and printed purchaseorders.
PRODEQ6.ZIP 417,803 05-17-95 ProDev Quote v6.0b <ASP> Contains program,data & documentation. Extremely fullfeatured Quotation or Bidding system forany type or size of business.
RMA_SH.ZIP 498,349 04-30-95 The Monotonzier for Windows performs RateMonotonic Analysis to determine if a set oftasks can be guarenteed to meet itsdeadlines.
SBA95_1.ZIP 688,353 06-18-95 Small Business Advisor v95.1 <ASP> Expert,tax/legal consultant-on-a-disk. Advisesyour business on vast range of business,legal, tax issues. Over 600 pages up-todate info (Fed & all 50 states), by aHarvard lawyer/CPA.
SEO215.ZIP 104,133 05-27-95 Self-Employment Overview v2.15.Comprehensive, accurate reference forentrepeneurs. This tutorial-style workcovers everything from the why's, to thewherefores of a new business.
SST107.ZIP 477,252 05-16-95 Software Sales Tracker v1.07. For softwareauthors. Automatically generates serialnumbers for each product sold and keepstrack of quantities sold, customeraddresses, telephone numbers, productserial numbers and more.
ST_WIN_A.ZIP 969,108 04-11-95 Suspect Tracker for Windows. Allows lawenforcement personnel to keep track ofsuspects and frequent offenders. 1/2.
ST_WIN_B.ZIP 584,855 04-11-95 Suspect Tracker for Windows. 2/2.
SURVCN10.ZIP 138,860 05-24-95 Surveyor's Conversions v1.0 for Windows.Several useful conversions for use by landsurveyors. Includes polar rectangular,azimuth bearing, ft metres anglecomputations, more.
TTPLUS.ZIP 172,404 04-19-95 Time Trakker Plus for FoxPro. Time andbilling package for Windows that allows youto track time, expenses and sale items forbilling and invoicing. Requires FoxPro forWindows 2.6.
TXTIME20.ZIP 341,615 06-03-95 TraxTime v2.0 for Windows. Personal punchclock is powerful. Unlimited # of projectsand dates. All in/out times are easilyedited. Custom reports go to printer, disk,screen.
VIDEO20P.ZIP 475,772 04-14-95 Video Store v2.0. Video rental store possystem that is very powerful and simple touse. Supports customers, inventory, sales,salesmen, products & rentals, payments,late fees, and is network ready.
WAPS11OU.ZIP 383,832 05-15-95 WAPS Statistics Calculator v1.10 forWindows. Assists military personnel indetermining their current promotionstanding.
WINV10D.ZIP 1,168,371 05-31-95 WInvoices v1.0 <ASP> Invoicing program andmuch more! Print professional invoices andwork orders with just a mouse click.Includes customer, parts, resourcedatabases, all in a tightly integratedenvironment.
WORKS.ZIP 405,430 05-15-95 Works Managment Demo for Access v2.0.Automates complex clerical procedures inbanking, insurance, and general businessenviroments.
XPNS240.ZIP 165,518 04-07-95 XPNS v2.40. Automates the entry, printing,historical and budget reporting of businesstravel expenses. Ten categories can bemodified to suit your needs. Vendor andCharge-To tracking.
XPRS4_04.ZIP1,071,689 06-04-95 Xpress v4.04. Management program forraising horses. 18 different file sections,39 report formats, print mailing and inglabels. Does payroll, invoices, payables.Tracks employees, inventory, pedigrees andmore!